All you need to know: WA Audiometry Changes
Friday, 24 May 2024

WA Audiometry Legislation is changing to better align with national audiometry standards and procedures. Check out our detailed FAQ to ensure you and your business are well-prepared for the upcoming changes.

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Audiometry Assessments Compared: Occupational Noise and Screening Audiometry
Monday, 04 Mar 2024

From 1 July 2024, Sonic HealthPlus will offer audiometry tests for two major purposes. Keep reading to learn why WorkCover WA LBAs will no longer be offered and the difference between Screening Audiometry and Occupational Noise Management Testing. Also check out our free assessment comparison fact sheet for a quick and easy summary.

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Sound strategies: 4 tips for preventing hearing loss at work
Monday, 04 Mar 2024

Occupational noise-induced hearing loss (ONIHL) is one of the most preventable occupational diseases, yet continues to affect ~1 in 3 Australians. Workers in the construction, manufacturing, mining, oil/gas and railway industries are most at risk of developing ONIHL. Keep reading to learn about 4 ways you can prevent ONIHL in your workplace.

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Occupational Noise Management vs Screening Audiometry Testing
Thursday, 02 Mar 2023

Hazardous noise in workplaces has the capability to disrupt clear hearing and can make it difficult to hear sounds essential for working safely, such as instructions or warning signals. As an employer, you have a duty of care to exercise due diligence to ensure that your organisation complies with the current Workplace Health and Safety Act and Regulations.

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